docker for local elk analytics
I had a need to do a quick analytics and search on some log files from aws.
So what I did was load a docker compose setup from github. I then netcat’ed the log files into elk and I had a full elk setup.
The github repo I used was:
All I had to do was run docker compose up -d
and I had a working elk stack.
I then grabbed the files from aws and netcat’ed them to the elk inside the docker container nc localhost 5000 < a5637c92bfc6-stdouterr.log
I made a small script to netcat all log files in a directory
for f in *.log
echo "Processing $f"
# do something on $f
nc localhost 5000 < $f
I BTW add a small configuration change to the ‘logstash/config/logstash.conf’ file.
In the ‘input’ group I add codec => "json"
since I import json.